Note: An English version can be found below.
CorpusExplorer.Terminal.Console (früher: CorpusExplorer-Port-R)
Der CorpusExplorer steht neben der offiziellen GUI ( auch als Konsolenanwendung zur Verfügung. Damit ist es möglich, aus anderen Programmen oder anderen Programmiersprachen auf Analysen/Daten des CorpusExplorers zuzugreifen. Ursprünglich wurde die Konsolen-Lösung unter dem Namen CorpusExplorer-Port-R entwickelt und sollte die Nutzung des CorpusExplorers innerhalb der Programmiersprache R ermöglichen.
Installation Windows
- Installieren Sie den CorpusExplorer (
- Fertig! (OPTIONAL) Installieren Sie eine aktuelle R-Version ( WENN Sie den CorpusExplorer unter R nutzen möchten. Andernfalls können Sie auch auf die Windows-Konsole zurückgreifen und die Programmausgabe mittels “>” in eine Datei (CSV) umleiten.
Installation Linux/MacOS
- Installieren Sie mono ( - Mindestversion 4.x
- Laden und entpacken Sie die folgende Datei:
- Stellen Sie allen Aufrufen ein “mono” voran - z. B. “mono cec.exe import#Cec6#demo.cec6 frequency”. Mono führt die cec.exe aus (die sich im entpackten Ordner - siehe 2. - befindet). Einschränkung Linux/MacOS: Gegenwärtig ist es noch nicht möglich, den Befehl “annotate” auszuführen. Alle anderen Befehle funktionieren einwandfrei (getestet auf Debian 8 - Mono 5.0.1).
Der cec.exe greift auf das CorpusExplorer-Ökosystem zurück. D.h. auch alle installierten Erweiterungen für den CorpusExplorer sind nutzbar. Rufen Sie cec.exe über die Konsole ohne Parameter auf, dann erhalten Sie alle verfügbaren Scraper, Importer, Tagger, Actions und Exporter. Erweiterungen für den CorpusExplorer finden Sie hier:
Die Grundsyntax für verschiedene Konsolenaufruf lauten (diese werden im Folgenden noch weiter ausgeführt):
Syntax für Annotation und Konvertierung (convert ist eine [ACTION]):
cec.exe [INPUT] convert [OUTPUT]
Syntax für Filter:
cec.exe [INPUT] [QUERY] [OUTPUT]
Syntax für Analysen (Ausgabe wird in STDOUT geschrieben):
Syntax für Skripting:
cec.exe FILE:[PATH]
Erweiterte Fehlerausgabe im Skript-Modus:
cec.exe DEBUG:[PATH]
Um eine interaktive SHELL zu starten
cec.exe SHELL
Um einen REST-WebService zu starten
cec.exe {F:FORMAT} PORT:2312 {IP:} {TIMEOUT:120} {INPUT}
Nutzung z. B. in Programmiersprachen
Bsp. für R:
tbl <- read.table(pipe("cec.exe import#Cec6#demo.cec6 frequency3"), sep = "\t", header = TRUE, dec = ".", encoding = "UTF-8", quote = "")
Bsp. für Python:
import subprocess;
from subprocess import PIPE;
from io import StringIO;
cec ="cec.exe import#Cec6#demo.cec6 frequency3", stdout=PIPE).stdout.decode(encoding='UTF-8');
cec = StringIO(cec);
# Einlesen mittels csv-Reader
import csv;
tsv = csv.reader(cec, delimiter='\t', quotechar='"');
for row in tsv:
# Einlesen als pandas / dataframe
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv(cec, sep="\t")
Nutzung in Jupyter Notebooks
Was in Python funktioniert, funktioniert natürlich auch in Jupyter Notebooks. D. h. Es lassen sich interaktive Korpusanalysen mit der CEC erstellen.
Andere Ausgabeformate
Die Ausgabe erfolgt im Fall einer normalen Analyse (ausgenommen ‘convert’ und ‘query’) direkt auf dem STDOUT-Stream. Sie können dieses Stream mittels ‘>’ umleiten. Beispiel:
cec.exe F:TSV import#Cec6#demo.cec6 frequency3 > frequency.tsv
cec.exe F:CSV import#Cec6#demo.cec6 frequency3 > frequency.csv
cec.exe F:JSON import#Cec6#demo.cec6 frequency3 > frequency.json
cec.exe F:XML import#Cec6#demo.cec6 frequency3 > frequency.xml
cec.exe F:HTML import#Cec6#demo.cec6 frequency3 > frequency.html
cec.exe F:SQL import#Cec6#demo.cec6 frequency3 > frequency.sql
Falls Sie keine TID-Spalte benötigen, können Sie anstelle von F: die Option FNT: verwenden. Bsp.:
cec.exe FNT:TSV import#Cec6#demo.cec6 frequency3 > frequency.tsv
Verfügbare Ausgabeformate in der Standardinstallation:
F:CSV - comma separated values
F:HTML - HTML5-document
F:TRTD - HTML-Table Skeleton
F:JSON - JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)
F:JSONR - JavaScript Object Notation (rounded values)
F:SQLDATA - SQL (data only)
F:SQLSCHEMA - SQL (schema only)
F:SQL - SQL (schema + data)
F:TSV - tab separated values
F:TSVR - tab separated values (rounded values)
F:XML - XML-document
Vorteile von STDTOUT:
- Dieser Stream ist in allen Betriebssystemen verfügbar (Windows, Linux, MacOS).
- Ergebnisse können (1) direkte in der Konsole (2) in einer Datei (3) an ein aderes Programm weitergeleitet werden.
- Sie können den Stream nicht nur in eine Datei umleiten, sondern auch direkt an andere Programme übergeben.
Nachteile von STDOUT:
- Dieser Stream ist langsam. Wenn Sie die Ausgabe nur in eine Datei benötigen, dann nutzen Sie die optimierte Version (F: oder FNT: und Dateiname):
cec.exe FNT:TSV#frequency.tsv import#Cec6#demo.cec6 frequency3
Korpus als WebService
Korpora können auch als WebService (REST-basiert) bereitgestellt werden. cec.exe [F:FORMAT] PORT:[PORT] [INPUT]
cec.exe F:JSON PORT:3535 import#Cec6#demo.cec6
Lassen Sie das Konsolenfenster geöffnet und starten Sie ihren WebBrowser. Sie können eine Dokumentation unter einsehen. Mehrere Korpora können gleichzeitig als WebService betrieben werden, dazu muss aber jedem Korpus ein separater Port zugewiesen werden. Eine SSL/TLS-Transportverschlüsselung ist NICHT möglich - wenn Sie dies benötigen, dann erstellen Sie einen Reverse-Proxy z. B. mit Apache (
Es können zwei unterschiedliche INPUT-Quellen genutzt werden. “import” für bereits annotiertes Korpusmaterial oder “annotate”, um einen Annotationsprozess anzustoßen.
[INPUT] - import
Syntax für “import” (trennen Sie mehrere [FILES] mittels |):
cec.exe import#[IMPORTER]#[FILES] [ACTION]
Tipp: Starten Sie cec.exe ohne Parameter, um die verfügbaren [IMPORTER] abzufragen. Bsp. für CEC6, DTAbf.TCF und Weblicht:
cec.exe import#Cec6#demo.cec6 [ACTION]
cec.exe import#Dta#C:/DTAbf/doc01.tcf.xml [ACTION]
cec.exe import#Weblicht#C:/Weblicht/page01.xml|C:/webL.xml [ACTION]
Hinweis: Einige Betriebssysteme (und Betriebssystemversionen) haben Problemen, wenn sich im Pfad Leerzeichen bedfinden. Vermeiden Sie daher soweit möglich Leerzeichen in Pfad und Dateinamen.
Folgende Import-Formate stehen in der Standardinstallation zur Verfügung:
[INPUT] = import#Cec6#[FILES]
[INPUT] = import#Bnc#[FILES]
[INPUT] = import#Catma#[FILES]
[INPUT] = import#ClanChildes#[FILES]
[INPUT] = import#Conll#[FILES]
[INPUT] = import#CoraXml08#[FILES]
[INPUT] = import#CoraXml10#[FILES]
[INPUT] = import#EchtzeitEngine#[FILES]
[INPUT] = import#Cec5#[FILES]
[INPUT] = import#Cec6Drm#[FILES]
[INPUT] = import#Cec6Stream#[FILES]
[INPUT] = import#CorpusWorkBench#[FILES]
[INPUT] = import#Dewac#[FILES]
[INPUT] = import#Dta#[FILES]
[INPUT] = import#Dta2017#[FILES]
[INPUT] = import#FnhdC#[FILES]
[INPUT] = import#FolkerFln#[FILES]
[INPUT] = import#Korap#[FILES]
[INPUT] = import#Korap2021#[FILES]
[INPUT] = import#SimpleJsonStandoff#[FILES]
[INPUT] = import#CorpusExplorerV1toV5#[FILES]
[INPUT] = import#Redewiedergabe#[FILES]
[INPUT] = import#SketchEngine#[FILES]
[INPUT] = import#Speedy#[FILES]
[INPUT] = import#Tiger#[FILES]
[INPUT] = import#Tlv#[FILES]
[INPUT] = import#TreeTagger#[FILES]
[INPUT] = import#Txm#[FILES]
[INPUT] = import#Weblicht#[FILES]
[INPUT] = import#LeipzigerWortschatz#[FILES]
[INPUT] = import#OpusXces#[FILES]
[INPUT] - annotate
Syntax für “annotate” (annotiert immer den gesamten Ordner):
Tipp: Starten Sie cec.exe ohne Parameter, um die verfügbaren [SCRAPER], [TAGGER] und [LANGUAGE] abzufragen. Es wird empfohlen, “annotate” immer in Kombination mit den [ACTION]s “convert” oder “query” zu nutzen. Dadurch wird das fertig annotierte Korpus gespeichert und kann jederzeit mit “import” geladen werden, ohne das Korpus erneut zu annotieren. Bsp.:
cec.exe annotate#Twitter#ClassicTreeTagger#Deutsch#"C:/korpus" convert ExporterCec6#"C:/korpus.cec6"
Folgende Annotate-Formate stehen in der Standardinstallation zur Verfügung:
[INPUT] = annotate#AnnotationPro#[TAGGER]#[LANGUAGE]#[DIRECTORY]
[INPUT] = annotate#Blogger#[TAGGER]#[LANGUAGE]#[DIRECTORY]
[INPUT] = annotate#BundestagDrucksachen#[TAGGER]#[LANGUAGE]#[DIRECTORY]
[INPUT] = annotate#BundestagPlenarprotokolle#[TAGGER]#[LANGUAGE]#[DIRECTORY]
[INPUT] = annotate#BundestagDtdPlenarprotokolle#[TAGGER]#[LANGUAGE]#[DIRECTORY]
[INPUT] = annotate#ClarinContentSearch#[TAGGER]#[LANGUAGE]#[DIRECTORY]
[INPUT] = annotate#ListOfScrapDocument#[TAGGER]#[LANGUAGE]#[DIRECTORY]
[INPUT] = annotate#DigitalPlato#[TAGGER]#[LANGUAGE]#[DIRECTORY]
[INPUT] = annotate#DortmunderChatKorpus#[TAGGER]#[LANGUAGE]#[DIRECTORY]
[INPUT] = annotate#DtaBasisformat#[TAGGER]#[LANGUAGE]#[DIRECTORY]
[INPUT] = annotate#Dta2017#[TAGGER]#[LANGUAGE]#[DIRECTORY]
[INPUT] = annotate#EasyHashtagSeparation#[TAGGER]#[LANGUAGE]#[DIRECTORY]
[INPUT] = annotate#Europarl#[TAGGER]#[LANGUAGE]#[DIRECTORY]
[INPUT] = annotate#EuroParlUds#[TAGGER]#[LANGUAGE]#[DIRECTORY]
[INPUT] = annotate#ExmaraldaExb#[TAGGER]#[LANGUAGE]#[DIRECTORY]
[INPUT] = annotate#FolkerFln#[TAGGER]#[LANGUAGE]#[DIRECTORY]
[INPUT] = annotate#Gutenberg#[TAGGER]#[LANGUAGE]#[DIRECTORY]
[INPUT] = annotate#SimpleJsonStandoff#[TAGGER]#[LANGUAGE]#[DIRECTORY]
[INPUT] = annotate#KleineanfrageDe#[TAGGER]#[LANGUAGE]#[DIRECTORY]
[INPUT] = annotate#SimpleDocxDocument#[TAGGER]#[LANGUAGE]#[DIRECTORY]
[INPUT] = annotate#SimpleHtmlDocument#[TAGGER]#[LANGUAGE]#[DIRECTORY]
[INPUT] = annotate#TextSharpPdf#[TAGGER]#[LANGUAGE]#[DIRECTORY]
[INPUT] = annotate#SimplePdfDocument#[TAGGER]#[LANGUAGE]#[DIRECTORY]
[INPUT] = annotate#SimpleRtfDocument#[TAGGER]#[LANGUAGE]#[DIRECTORY]
[INPUT] = annotate#PureXmlText#[TAGGER]#[LANGUAGE]#[DIRECTORY]
[INPUT] = annotate#OpenLegalData#[TAGGER]#[LANGUAGE]#[DIRECTORY]
[INPUT] = annotate#Perseus#[TAGGER]#[LANGUAGE]#[DIRECTORY]
[INPUT] = annotate#PostgreSqlDump#[TAGGER]#[LANGUAGE]#[DIRECTORY]
[INPUT] = annotate#RssFeedItem#[TAGGER]#[LANGUAGE]#[DIRECTORY]
[INPUT] = annotate#Shakespeare#[TAGGER]#[LANGUAGE]#[DIRECTORY]
[INPUT] = annotate#Talkbank#[TAGGER]#[LANGUAGE]#[DIRECTORY]
[INPUT] = annotate#Twapper#[TAGGER]#[LANGUAGE]#[DIRECTORY]
[INPUT] = annotate#Twitter#[TAGGER]#[LANGUAGE]#[DIRECTORY]
[INPUT] = annotate#TwitterStatus#[TAGGER]#[LANGUAGE]#[DIRECTORY]
[INPUT] = annotate#UniversalExcel#[TAGGER]#[LANGUAGE]#[DIRECTORY]
[INPUT] = annotate#Weblicht#[TAGGER]#[LANGUAGE]#[DIRECTORY]
[INPUT] = annotate#Wordpress#[TAGGER]#[LANGUAGE]#[DIRECTORY]
[INPUT] = annotate#LeipzigerWortschatz#[TAGGER]#[LANGUAGE]#[DIRECTORY]
Notiz: [DIRECTORY] = Ein beliebiges Verzeichnis (alle Dateien werden verarbeitet)
Folgende Tagger und Sprachpakete stehen in der Standardinstallation zur Verfügung:
[TAGGER] = ClassicTreeTagger ([LANGUAGE] = Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Niederländisch, Spanisch)
[TAGGER] = SimpleTreeTagger ([LANGUAGE] = Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Niederländisch, Spanisch)
[TAGGER] = TnTTagger ([LANGUAGE] = Deutsch, Englisch)
[TAGGER] = RawTextTagger ([LANGUAGE] = Universal)
[TAGGER] = OwnTreeTagger ([LANGUAGE] = Durch Skript definiert.)
[TAGGER] = UdPipeExeTagger ([LANGUAGE] = )
Bsp.: cec.exe annotate#Dpxc#SimpleTreeTagger#Deutsch#C:\dpxc\ convert Cec6#C:\mycorpus.cec6
[OUTPUT] - Export ([ACTION] = convert oder query)
Wenn Sie die [ACTION]s convert oder query nutzen, erfolgt die Ausgabe in einem Korpusformat (und nicht als Tabelle).
cec.exe import#[IMPORTER]#[FILES] convert [OUTPUT]
cec.exe import#[IMPORTER]#[FILES] query [QUERY] [OUTPUT]
Folgende Ausgabe-Formate stehen in der Standardinstallation zur Verfügung:
[OUTPUT] = Cec6#[FILE]
[OUTPUT] = Query#[FILE]
[OUTPUT] = AnnoationPro#[FILE]
[OUTPUT] = Catma#[FILE]
[OUTPUT] = Conll#[FILE]
[OUTPUT] = ConllZip#[FILE]
[OUTPUT] = Cec5#[FILE]
[OUTPUT] = CorpusWorkBench2022#[FILE]
[OUTPUT] = CorpusWorkBench#[FILE]
[OUTPUT] = CsvMetadataOnly#[FILE]
[OUTPUT] = DtaZip#[FILE]
[OUTPUT] = Dta2017#[FILE]
[OUTPUT] = DwdsTei#[FILE]
[OUTPUT] = HtmlPure#[FILE]
[OUTPUT] = Korap#[FILE]
[OUTPUT] = Json#[FILE]
[OUTPUT] = JsonZip#[FILE]
[OUTPUT] = Plaintext#[FILE]
[OUTPUT] = PlaintextPureInOneFile#[FILE]
[OUTPUT] = PlaintextPure#[FILE]
[OUTPUT] = SaltXml#[FILE]
[OUTPUT] = SketchEngine#[FILE]
[OUTPUT] = SlashA#[FILE]
[OUTPUT] = Speedy#[FILE]
[OUTPUT] = TreeTagger#[FILE]
[OUTPUT] = TreeTaggerZip#[FILE]
[OUTPUT] = TxmZip#[FILE]
[OUTPUT] = Weblicht#[FILE]
[OUTPUT] = OpusXces#[FILE]
Notiz: [FILE] = Eine beliebige Datei, in der die Ausgabe gespeichert werden soll Bsp.: ‘convert’: cec.exe import#Cec5#C:\mycorpus.cec5 convert Cec6#C:\mycorpus.cec6 Bsp.: ‘query’: cec.exe import#Cec5#C:\mycorpus.cec5 query !M:Author::Jan Cec6#C:\mycorpus.cec6
Für ACTION können folgenden Befehle genutzt werden (Argumente in [] sind verpflichtend, Argumente in {} sind optional.):
[ACTION] = add-tagger [TAGGER#LANGUAGE] [OUTPUT] - add another tagger to the corpus.
[ACTION] = basic-information - basic information tokens/sentences/documents
[ACTION] = cluster [QUERY] [TASK] {ARGUMENTS} - executes a [TASK] for every cluster (generated by [QUERY])
[ACTION] = cluster-list [QUERY] - works like cluster but returns clusters with document GUIDs.
[ACTION] = convert [OUTPUT] - see help section [OUTPUT] for more information
[ACTION] = cooccurrence [LAYER] {minSIGNI} {minFREQ} - significant cooccurrences for all [LAYER] values
[ACTION] = cooccurrence-corresponding [LAYER1] [LAYER2] [ANY] [WORDS] - significant cooccurrences for all [LAYER1] values with correspondig [LAYER2] [WORDS] - ([ANY] = any matches [bool]).
[ACTION] = cooccurrence-cross [LAYER] [WORDS] - significant cooccurrence cross for [WORDS] on [LAYER].
[ACTION] = cooccurrence-cross-full [LAYER] [WORDS] - significant cooccurrence cross for [WORDS] on [LAYER] (includes all cooccurrences).
[ACTION] = cooccurrence-polarisation [LAYER] [TOKEN_A] [TOKEN_B] - significant cooccurrence polarisation for [LAYER] between [TOKEN_A] and [TOKEN_B].
[ACTION] = cooccurrence-profile [LAYER] [WORD] - significant cooccurrence profile for [WORD] on [LAYER].
[ACTION] = cooccurrence-select [LAYER] [WORDS] - significant cooccurrences for all [LAYER] values.
[ACTION] = cooccurrence-select-corresponding [LAYER1] [WORD1] [LAYER2] [WORDS2] - significant cooccurrences for [WORD1] in [LAYER] values - with [LAYER2] [WORDS2] correspondig values.
[ACTION] = corresponding [LAYER1] [LAYER2] - find all corresponding values betweet LAYER1 & LAYER2 (e. g. 1: Lemma / 2: Wort)
[ACTION] = corresponding-metaphone [LAYER1] [LAYER2] - find all corresponding types betweet LAYER1 & LAYER2 (e. g. 1: Lemma / 2: Wort) based on metaphone
[ACTION] = cross-frequency {LAYER} - calculates the cross-frequency based on [LAYER]
[ACTION] = cross-frequency-corresponding [LAYER1] [LAYER2] [ANY] [WORDS] - calculates the cross-frequency based on [LAYER] and apply corresponding [LAYER2] [WORDS] filter.
[ACTION] = disambiguation [LAYER] [WORD] - allows to disambiguate a [WORD] on [LAYER]
[ACTION] = dispersion [LAYER] [META] - calculates dispersions values of all [LAYER] values based on [META]
[ACTION] = dispersion-corresponding [LAYER1] [META] [LAYER2] [ANY] [WORDS] - calculates dispersions values of all [LAYER1] values based on [META] and annply correspondign filter.
[ACTION] = editdist [LAYER] - caculates the edit distance for all (to all) documents in [LAYER]
[ACTION] = frequency1 {LAYER} - count token frequency on {LAYER} (default: Wort)
[ACTION] = frequency1-raw {LAYER} - count token frequency on [LAYER] (no rel. frequency)
[ACTION] = frequency1-select [LAYER] [WORDS/FILE/SDM] - count token frequency on 1 [LAYER] - [WORDS] = space separated tokens [FILE] = one line one token [SDM] = SDM-File
[ACTION] = frequency2 {LAYER1} {LAYER2} - count token frequency on 2 layers (default: Lemma, Wort)
[ACTION] = frequency2-raw {LAYER1} {LAYER2} - count token frequency on 2 layers (no rel. frequency)
[ACTION] = frequency3 {LAYER1} {LAYER2} {LAYER3} - count token frequency on 3 layers (default: POS, Lemma, Wort)
[ACTION] = frequency3-raw {LAYER1} {LAYER2} {LAYER3} - count token frequency on 3 layers (no rel. frequency)
[ACTION] = get-document [GUID] {LAYER} - get all layer-information for specific [GUID] document. Use {LAYER} to filter output.
[ACTION] = get-document-displaynames - get all document GUID / display-names.
[ACTION] = get-document-metadata [GUID] - get all metadata for specific [GUID] document.
[ACTION] = get-types [LAYER] - list all [LAYER]-values (types)
[ACTION] = hash [LAYER] [ALGO] - calculates a hashsum for all documents in [LAYER]. [ALGO] = MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA512
[ACTION] = hash-roll [LAYER] - calculates a rolling hashsum for all documents in [LAYER].
[ACTION] = how-many-documents - sum of all documents
[ACTION] = how-many-sentences - sum of all sentences
[ACTION] = how-many-tokens - sum of all tokens
[ACTION] = how-many-types [LAYER] - sum of all [LAYER]-values (types)
[ACTION] = idf [META] {LAYER} - inverse document frequency for [META] on {LAYER} (default: WORT)
[ACTION] = keyword [LAYER] [TSV_RefFile] [COL_Token] [COL_RelFreq] - calculates the keynes of any [LAYER]-value by using a reference list [TSV_RefFile].
[ACTION] = keyword-corresponding [LAYER1] [TSV_RefFile] [COL_Token] [COL_RelFreq] [LAYER2] [WORDS2] - calculates keyword (see [ACTION = keyword]) and applies the corresponding filter.
[ACTION] = kwic-any [LAYER] [WORDS+SPAN] - KWIC any occurrence - [WORDS] = space separated tokens
[ACTION] = kwic-document [LAYER] [WORDS+SPAN] - [WORDS] = space separated tokens - a document must contains all token
[ACTION] = kwic-export [LAYER] FILE:[WORDS+SPAN] [OUTPUT] - exports a KWIC of any occurrence - [WORDS] = space separated tokens + SPAN
[ACTION] = kwic-first-any [LAYER] [WORD] [WORDS+SPAN] - KWIC any occurrence - [WORDS] = space separated tokens (KWIC must contains first token + any other)
[ACTION] = kwic-mda [MDA-FILE] {-SPAN} {+SPAN} - KWIC based on MDA-FILE
[ACTION] = ner [NERFILE] - performs a named entity recorgnition + kwic-resuls
[ACTION] = kwic-phrase [LAYER] [WORDS+SPAN] - [WORDS] = space separated tokens - all token in one sentence + given order
[ACTION] = kwic-sentence [LAYER] [WORDS+SPAN] - [WORDS] = space separated tokens - a sentence must contains all token
[ACTION] = kwic-sig [LAYER] [y/n] [WORDS] - KWIC with significance metrics - [WORDS] = space separated tokens - Enable HTML-Highlight [y/n]
[ACTION] = kwit [LAYER1] [LAYER2] [minFREQ] [WORDS] - Builds a KWIT-Tree. Search all [WORDS] in [LAYER1] (with minimum frequency [minFREQ]) - Output in [LAYER2] - [WORDS] = space separated tokens - all token in one sentence + given order
[ACTION] = kwit-n [LAYER1] [LAYER2] [minFREQ] [PRE] [POST] [WORDS] - Like kwit (but you can specificate the range [PRE] and [POST] the match - e.g. [PRE] = 3)
[ACTION] = layer-clone [Original Layer-Name] [New Layer-Name] [OUTPUT] - clone original layer.
[ACTION] = layer-names - all available names for [LAYER]
[ACTION] = layer-new [New Layer-Name] [OUTPUT] - creates a new empty layer.
[ACTION] = remove-layer [LAYER] [OUTPUT] - remove a layer. see help section [OUTPUT] for more information.
[ACTION] = layer-rename [Original Layer-Name] [New Layer-Name] [OUTPUT] - rename layer.
[ACTION] = lda [CONFIG] {TOPIC-EXPORT} - [CONFIG] must be a JSON-Config file. If the file don't exists a new file will be created. Use {TOPIC-EXPORT} to export a additional topic-list.
[ACTION] = meta - lists all meta-categories, labels and token/type/document-count
[ACTION] = meta-by-document - list all documents with meta-data
[ACTION] = meta-by-document-select [META...N] - list selected document meta-data
[ACTION] = meta-categories - all available names for meta categories
[ACTION] = meta-export [FILE] - export document metadata for external cleaning/usage
[ACTION] = meta-import [FILE] [OUTPUT] - export document metadata for external cleaning/usage
[ACTION] = metaphone [LAYER] - convert all types (in layer) into metaphone representations.
[ACTION] = meta-select [category_1..n] - lists all meta-categories, labels and token/type/document-count for [category_1..n]
[ACTION] = meta-select+domain [category_1..n] - lists all meta-categories, labels and token/type/document-count for [category_1..n] (reduces all URLs > domain name only)
[ACTION] = mtld [LAYER] [META] - calculates MTLD for [LAYER] clustered by [META]
[ACTION] = ner [NERFILE] - performs a named entity recorgnition
[ACTION] = ngram [N] {LAYER} {minFREQ} - [N] sized N-gram based on {LAYER} (default: Wort)
[ACTION] = ngram-corresponding [N] [LAYER1] [minFREQ] [LAYER2] [ANY?] [WORDS2] - [N] sized N-gram based on [LAYER1] - apply [LAYER2] corresponding [WORD2] filter.
[ACTION] = ngram-select [N] [LAYER] [minFREQ] [WORDS/FILE] - all [N]-grams on [LAYER] containing [WORDS] or FILE:[FILE].
[ACTION] = ngram-select-sig [N] [LAYER] [WORDS/FILE] - all [N]-grams on [LAYER] containing [WORDS] or FILE:[FILE] rated by [WORD/FILE] co-occurrences.
[ACTION] = ngram-sig [N] [LAYER] - [N] sized N-gram based on [LAYER] rated with co-occurence-levels
[ACTION] = phrase-count [LAYER] [WORDS+SPAN] - [WORDS] = space separated tokens - all token in one sentence + given order
[ACTION] = position-frequency [LAYER1] [WORD] - left/right position of words around [WORD]
[ACTION] = position-frequency-corresponding [LAYER1] [WORD1] [LAYER2] [WORDS2] - left/right position of words around [WORD1] in [LAYER1] + corresponding [LAYER2] [WORDS2] filter.
[ACTION] = query [QUERY] [OUTPUT] - see help section [OUTPUT] for more information
[ACTION] = query-count-documents [QUERY/FILE] - counts how many documents match the [QUERY]
[ACTION] = query-count-sentences [QUERY/FILE] - counts how many sentences match the [QUERY]
[ACTION] = query-count-tokens [QUERY/FILE] - counts how many token-spans match the [QUERY]
[ACTION] = query-list [QUERY] [NAME] - works like query, but returns a [NAME]ed list of document GUIDs.
[ACTION] = reading-ease {LAYER} - reading ease of {LAYER} (default: Wort)
[ACTION] = remove-layer [LAYER] [OUTPUT] - remove a layer. see help section [OUTPUT] for more information.
[ACTION] = remove-meta [META] [OUTPUT] - remove a specific metadata value for every document. see help section [OUTPUT] for more information.
[ACTION] = similarity [META] {LAYER} - [META] similarity based on {LAYER} (default: WORT)
[ACTION] = size - returns the size (sentences/tokens) of all documents
[ACTION] = style-burrowsd [META1] [META2] - compares [META1] with [META2] based on "Burrows Delta"
[ACTION] = style-ngram [LAYER] [META] [N] [minFREQ] - style analytics based on ngram
[ACTION] = tf [META] {LAYER} - term frequency for [META] on {LAYER} (default: WORT)
[ACTION] = tf-idf [META] {LAYER} - term frequency * inverse term frequency for [META] on {LAYER} (default: WORT)
[ACTION] = token-list [LAYER] - list of all tokens in [LAYER]
[ACTION] = token-list-select [LAYER] [REGEX] - list of all tokens in [LAYER] who are matching the [REGEX]-expression
[ACTION] = validate - checks the loaded data against several rules.
[ACTION] = vocabulary-complexity {LAYER} - vocabulary complexity in {LAYER}
[ACTION] = vocd [LAYER] [META] - calculates VOCD for [LAYER] clustered by [META]
[ACTION] query
Seit August 2017 nutzen alle CorpusExplorer-Terminals die selbe Abfragesyntax. D. h. Sie können auch aus der Windows-GUI Abfragen exportieren und in der Konsole nutzen. Beispiel der Abfragesyntax:
cec.exe [INPUT] query [QUERY] [EXPORT]
Aus einer oder mehren Quellen (gleichen Typs) werden mittels [QUERY] alle passenden Dokumente ausgewählt und in [EXPORT] geschrieben. Sie können immer nur ein einzelne Abfrage(gruppe) pro Kommandozeilenaufruf übergeben. Um mehrere hintereinander geschaltete Abfragen zu starten, rufen Sie entweder mehrfach hintereinander die Kommandozeile auf oder nutzen Sie anstelle von [QUERY] folgende Angabe: FILE:[FILENAME] Damit wird es möglich, Abfrage aus einer zuvor gespeicherten *.ceusd zu laden. Bsp.:
cec.exe [INPUT] query FILE:C:/query.ceusd [EXPORT]
Pro Zeile ist nur eine Abfrage(-gruppe) zulässig.
[ACTION] query - Abfragesyntax
Primäre Typen und deren Operatoren (geordnet nach Priorität):
( = Beginnt eine Abfrage mit ( so muss das Ende der Zeile mit ) abgeschlossen werden. Dieser Typ definiert eine Abfragegruppe. Damit lassen sich mehrere Abfragen mittels OR verschachteln. Getrennt werden die Abfragen mit . - ! = Negiert die folgende Abfrage
- M = Abfrage von Metadaten
- ? = Übergbener Wert wird als Regex-Ausdruck interpretiert.
- ! = Meta-Angabe muss leer sein.
- . = Meta-Angabe muss diesen Wert enthalten.
- : = Meta-Angabe muss diesen Wert enthalten (case-sensitive).
- - = Meta-Angabe muss diesem Wert entsprechen.
- = = Meta-Angabe muss diesem Wert entsprechen (case-sensitive).
- T = Abfragen von Text/Layer-Werten
- ~ = Mindestens ein Wert aus der Liste muss im Dokument vorkommen.
- - = Alle Werte aus der Liste müssen im Dokument vorkommen.
- = = Alle Werte aus der Liste müssen in einem Satz vorkommen.
- § = Alle Werte aus der Liste müssen exakt in der Listenreihenfolge vorkommen.
- X = Erweiterte Optionen
- R = Zufälle Auswahl (Bsp.: XR::100 - Wählt 100 Dokumente zufällig aus).
- S = Autosplit auf Basis einer Metaanagabe - Syntax:
- Direkt nach XS muss der Namen der Meta-Angabe erfolgen. Bsp.: XSAutor
- Gefolgt vom Trennoperator ::
- Nach dem Trennoperator muss angegben werden, wie die Meta-Angabe zu interpretieren ist. Zulässig sind folgende Werte: TEXT, INT, FLOAT oder DATE. Für diese Werte gelten folgende Regeln:
- TEXT = Jeder unterschiedliche Wert wird als separat betrachtet.
- INT und FLOAT = Geben Sie an, wieviele Cluster Sie benötigen. z. B. 10 -> INT;10
- DATE = Für DATE stehen mehrere Optionen zur Verfügung:
- DATE;C;10 = Datumscluster (siehe oben - INT und FLOAT).
- DATE;CEN = Cluster nach Jahrhunderten (23.12.1985 > 19)
- DATE;DEC = Cluster nach Jahrzehnten (23.12.1985 > 198)
- DATE;Y = Cluster nach Jahren
- DATE;YM = Cluster nach Jahr/Monat
- DATE;YMD = Cluster nach Jahr/Monat/TAG
- DATE;YMDH = Cluster nach Jahr/Monat/TAG/Stunde
- DATE;YMDHM = Cluster nach Jahr/Monat/TAG/Stunde/Minute
- DATE;ALL = Cluster nach exakter Zeitangabe (Millisekunde)
- Beispiele:
- XSAutor::TEXT - Cluster für unterschiedliche Autorennamen
- XSJahr::INT;10 - Zehn Cluster mittels Jahreszahl-Angabe
- XSDatum::DATE;C;10 - Zehn Cluster mittels Datums-Angabe
- XSDatum::DATE;YM - Cluster für Monate mittels Datums-Angabe
Typ, Operator und Abfrageziel werden ohne trennende Leerzeichen geschrieben. Dieser Erste Teil ist durch :: vom Wert-Teil getrennt.
cec.exe import#Cec6#C:/input.cec6 query !T~Wort::aber;kein ExporterCec6#C:/output.cec6
Was bedeutet diese Abfrage? negiere (!) die Text-Abfrage (T) welche einen beliebigen Wert (~) aus der Liste (alles nach :: - Trennung mittels ;) sucht. Gefunden werden also alle Dokumente, die weder aber noch kein enthalten.
Um die folgenden Beispiele möglichst kurz zu halten, wurde die sonst übliche Dokumentation des Konsolenaufrufs eingekürzt. Wiedergeben wird hier nur die Abfragesyntax.
(!M-Verlag::Spiegel | !T~Wort::Diktator)
Gruppen-Abfrage: Gefunden werden alle Dokumente die entweder nicht (!) in der Meta-Angabe (M) Spiegel enthalten (-) ODER nicht (!) das Wort Diktator enthalten (~).
Leere-Metadaten: Gibt alle Dokumente zurück, für die keine Meta-Daten zu Verlag hinterlegt sind.
Findet alle Dokumente, die im Volltext (T) (Wort-Layer) die Phrase (§) “den Tag nicht vor dem Abend loben” enthalten.
[ACTION] convert
Erlaubt es, ein bestehendes Korpus in ein anderes Korpusformat zu konvertieren.
cec.exe import#Cec6#"C:/korpus.cec6" convert ExporterCec6#corpusOut.cec6
ENGLISH VERSION «< «< «< «< «<
Syntax for annotation/conversion:
cec.exe [INPUT] convert [OUTPUT]
Syntax for filtering:
cec.exe [INPUT] [QUERY] [OUTPUT]
Syntax for analytics (writes output to stdout):
Syntax for analytics (writes output to file - like C:\out.xyx):
cec.exe [F:FORMAT]#"C:\out.xyx" [INPUT] [ACTION]
Syntax for scripting:
cec.exe FILE:[PATH]
More detailed scripting errors:
cec.exe DEBUG:[PATH]
To start interactive shell mode
cec.exe SHELL
To start a REST-WebService
cec.exe {F:FORMAT} PORT:2312 {IP:} {TIMEOUT:120} {INPUT}
Import corpus material - direct[INPUT]:
[INPUT] = import#Cec6#[FILES]
[INPUT] = import#Bnc#[FILES]
[INPUT] = import#Catma#[FILES]
[INPUT] = import#ClanChildes#[FILES]
[INPUT] = import#Conll#[FILES]
[INPUT] = import#CoraXml08#[FILES]
[INPUT] = import#CoraXml10#[FILES]
[INPUT] = import#EchtzeitEngine#[FILES]
[INPUT] = import#Cec5#[FILES]
[INPUT] = import#Cec6Drm#[FILES]
[INPUT] = import#Cec6Stream#[FILES]
[INPUT] = import#CorpusWorkBench#[FILES]
[INPUT] = import#Dewac#[FILES]
[INPUT] = import#Dta#[FILES]
[INPUT] = import#Dta2017#[FILES]
[INPUT] = import#FnhdC#[FILES]
[INPUT] = import#FolkerFln#[FILES]
[INPUT] = import#Korap#[FILES]
[INPUT] = import#Korap2021#[FILES]
[INPUT] = import#SimpleJsonStandoff#[FILES]
[INPUT] = import#CorpusExplorerV1toV5#[FILES]
[INPUT] = import#Redewiedergabe#[FILES]
[INPUT] = import#SketchEngine#[FILES]
[INPUT] = import#Speedy#[FILES]
[INPUT] = import#Tiger#[FILES]
[INPUT] = import#Tlv#[FILES]
[INPUT] = import#TreeTagger#[FILES]
[INPUT] = import#Txm#[FILES]
[INPUT] = import#Weblicht#[FILES]
[INPUT] = import#LeipzigerWortschatz#[FILES]
[INPUT] = import#OpusXces#[FILES]
Note: [FILES] = separate files with & - merges all files before processing Example: cec.exe import#Cec5#C:\mycorpus1.cec5&C:\mycorpus2.cec5 convert Cec6#C:\mycorpus.cec6
Annotate raw text - [INPUT]:
[INPUT] = annotate#AnnotationPro#[TAGGER]#[LANGUAGE]#[DIRECTORY]
[INPUT] = annotate#Blogger#[TAGGER]#[LANGUAGE]#[DIRECTORY]
[INPUT] = annotate#BundestagDrucksachen#[TAGGER]#[LANGUAGE]#[DIRECTORY]
[INPUT] = annotate#BundestagPlenarprotokolle#[TAGGER]#[LANGUAGE]#[DIRECTORY]
[INPUT] = annotate#BundestagDtdPlenarprotokolle#[TAGGER]#[LANGUAGE]#[DIRECTORY]
[INPUT] = annotate#ClarinContentSearch#[TAGGER]#[LANGUAGE]#[DIRECTORY]
[INPUT] = annotate#ListOfScrapDocument#[TAGGER]#[LANGUAGE]#[DIRECTORY]
[INPUT] = annotate#DigitalPlato#[TAGGER]#[LANGUAGE]#[DIRECTORY]
[INPUT] = annotate#DortmunderChatKorpus#[TAGGER]#[LANGUAGE]#[DIRECTORY]
[INPUT] = annotate#DtaBasisformat#[TAGGER]#[LANGUAGE]#[DIRECTORY]
[INPUT] = annotate#Dta2017#[TAGGER]#[LANGUAGE]#[DIRECTORY]
[INPUT] = annotate#EasyHashtagSeparation#[TAGGER]#[LANGUAGE]#[DIRECTORY]
[INPUT] = annotate#Europarl#[TAGGER]#[LANGUAGE]#[DIRECTORY]
[INPUT] = annotate#EuroParlUds#[TAGGER]#[LANGUAGE]#[DIRECTORY]
[INPUT] = annotate#ExmaraldaExb#[TAGGER]#[LANGUAGE]#[DIRECTORY]
[INPUT] = annotate#FolkerFln#[TAGGER]#[LANGUAGE]#[DIRECTORY]
[INPUT] = annotate#Gutenberg#[TAGGER]#[LANGUAGE]#[DIRECTORY]
[INPUT] = annotate#SimpleJsonStandoff#[TAGGER]#[LANGUAGE]#[DIRECTORY]
[INPUT] = annotate#KleineanfrageDe#[TAGGER]#[LANGUAGE]#[DIRECTORY]
[INPUT] = annotate#SimpleDocxDocument#[TAGGER]#[LANGUAGE]#[DIRECTORY]
[INPUT] = annotate#SimpleHtmlDocument#[TAGGER]#[LANGUAGE]#[DIRECTORY]
[INPUT] = annotate#TextSharpPdf#[TAGGER]#[LANGUAGE]#[DIRECTORY]
[INPUT] = annotate#SimplePdfDocument#[TAGGER]#[LANGUAGE]#[DIRECTORY]
[INPUT] = annotate#SimpleRtfDocument#[TAGGER]#[LANGUAGE]#[DIRECTORY]
[INPUT] = annotate#PureXmlText#[TAGGER]#[LANGUAGE]#[DIRECTORY]
[INPUT] = annotate#OpenLegalData#[TAGGER]#[LANGUAGE]#[DIRECTORY]
[INPUT] = annotate#Perseus#[TAGGER]#[LANGUAGE]#[DIRECTORY]
[INPUT] = annotate#PostgreSqlDump#[TAGGER]#[LANGUAGE]#[DIRECTORY]
[INPUT] = annotate#RssFeedItem#[TAGGER]#[LANGUAGE]#[DIRECTORY]
[INPUT] = annotate#Shakespeare#[TAGGER]#[LANGUAGE]#[DIRECTORY]
[INPUT] = annotate#Talkbank#[TAGGER]#[LANGUAGE]#[DIRECTORY]
[INPUT] = annotate#Twapper#[TAGGER]#[LANGUAGE]#[DIRECTORY]
[INPUT] = annotate#Twitter#[TAGGER]#[LANGUAGE]#[DIRECTORY]
[INPUT] = annotate#TwitterStatus#[TAGGER]#[LANGUAGE]#[DIRECTORY]
[INPUT] = annotate#UniversalExcel#[TAGGER]#[LANGUAGE]#[DIRECTORY]
[INPUT] = annotate#Weblicht#[TAGGER]#[LANGUAGE]#[DIRECTORY]
[INPUT] = annotate#Wordpress#[TAGGER]#[LANGUAGE]#[DIRECTORY]
[INPUT] = annotate#LeipzigerWortschatz#[TAGGER]#[LANGUAGE]#[DIRECTORY]
Note: [DIRECTORY] = any directory you like - all files will be processed
[TAGGER] = ClassicTreeTagger ([LANGUAGE] = Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Niederländisch, Spanisch)
[TAGGER] = SimpleTreeTagger ([LANGUAGE] = Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch, Italienisch, Niederländisch, Spanisch)
[TAGGER] = TnTTagger ([LANGUAGE] = Deutsch, Englisch)
[TAGGER] = RawTextTagger ([LANGUAGE] = Universal)
[TAGGER] = OwnTreeTagger ([LANGUAGE] = Durch Skript definiert.)
[TAGGER] = UdPipeExeTagger ([LANGUAGE] = )
Example: cec.exe annotate#Dpxc#SimpleTreeTagger#Deutsch#C:\dpxc\ convert Cec6#C:\mycorpus.cec6
[OUTPUT-EXPORTER] - for query or convert:
[OUTPUT] = Cec6#[FILE]
[OUTPUT] = Query#[FILE]
[OUTPUT] = AnnoationPro#[FILE]
[OUTPUT] = Catma#[FILE]
[OUTPUT] = Conll#[FILE]
[OUTPUT] = ConllZip#[FILE]
[OUTPUT] = Cec5#[FILE]
[OUTPUT] = CorpusWorkBench2022#[FILE]
[OUTPUT] = CorpusWorkBench#[FILE]
[OUTPUT] = CsvMetadataOnly#[FILE]
[OUTPUT] = DtaZip#[FILE]
[OUTPUT] = Dta2017#[FILE]
[OUTPUT] = DwdsTei#[FILE]
[OUTPUT] = HtmlPure#[FILE]
[OUTPUT] = Korap#[FILE]
[OUTPUT] = Json#[FILE]
[OUTPUT] = JsonZip#[FILE]
[OUTPUT] = Plaintext#[FILE]
[OUTPUT] = PlaintextPureInOneFile#[FILE]
[OUTPUT] = PlaintextPure#[FILE]
[OUTPUT] = SaltXml#[FILE]
[OUTPUT] = SketchEngine#[FILE]
[OUTPUT] = SlashA#[FILE]
[OUTPUT] = Speedy#[FILE]
[OUTPUT] = TreeTagger#[FILE]
[OUTPUT] = TreeTaggerZip#[FILE]
[OUTPUT] = TxmZip#[FILE]
[OUTPUT] = Weblicht#[FILE]
[OUTPUT] = OpusXces#[FILE]
Note: [FILE] = any file you like to store the output Example ‘convert’: cec.exe import#Cec5#C:\mycorpus.cec5 convert Cec6#C:\mycorpus.cec6 Example ‘query’: cec.exe import#Cec5#C:\mycorpus.cec5 query !M:Author::Jan Cec6#C:\mycorpus.cec6
A preceding ! inverts the entire query
- First character:
- M = Metadata
- T = (Full)Text
- X = Extended Features
- followed by configuration (see below), the :: separator and the values
- Second character [OPERATOR]
- (if you choose M):
- ? = regEx
- : = contains (case sensitive)
- . = contains (not case sensitive)
- = = match exact (case sensitive)
- = match exact (not case sensitive)
- ! = is empty
- ( = starts with (case sensitive)
- ) = ends with (case sensitive) If you have chosen M - enter the name of the meta category (see [ACTION] = meta-categories). Example (query only): !M:Author::Jan - Finds all documents where “Jan” isn’t an author Example (in action): cec.exe import#Cec6#C:\mycorpus.cec6 query !M:Author::Jan Cec6#C:\mycorpus.cec6
- (if you choose T):
- ~ = any match
- = all in one document
- = = all in one sentence
- § = exact phrase
- ? = regEx value
- F = regEx fulltext-search (very slow)
- 1 = first plus any other match If you have chosen T - enter the layer name (see [ACTION] = layer-names) Example (query only): T§Wort::OpenSource;Software - Finds all documents with the exact phrase “OpensSource Software” Example (in action): cec.exe import#Cec6#C:\mycorpus.cec6 query T§Wort::OpenSource;Software Cec6#C:\mycorpus.cec6 Note 1: If you use several words in a T-query, then separate them with ‘;’ Note 2: You can also use a query file (*.ceusd) - use the FILE: prefix | Example: cec.exe import#Cec6#C:\mycorpus.cec6 query FILE:C:\query.ceusd Cec6#C:\mycorpus.cec6
- (if you choose X):
- R = random selection If you use XR for random selection you need to specify the document count Example: cec.exe import#Cec6#C:\mycorpus.cec6 query XR::100 frequency1 Wort | Note 4: XR will generate two outputs - the regular and the inverted output.
- S = auto split by meta-data (use cluster for auto split) If you have chosen XS - enter the name of the meta category (see [ACTION] = meta-categories)
- Enter the separator :: followed by the query
- If you use XS you must specify the meta data type - TEXT, INT, FLOAT or DATE Note 5: XS will generate multiple outputs - based on clusters. TEXT generates for every entry a separate snapshot Example: cec.exe import#Cec6#C:\mycorpus.cec6 cluster XSAuthor::TEXT frequency1 Wort INT / FLOAT you need to set up a [CLUSTERSIZE] Example: cec.exe import#Cec6#C:\mycorpus.cec6 cluster XSYear::INT;10 Cec6#C:\mycorpus.cec6 DATE;C;[CLUSTERSIZE] - generates [CLUSTERSIZE] clusters. Example: cec.exe import#Cec6#C:\mycorpus.cec6 cluster XSDate::DATE;C;10 Cec6#C:\mycorpus.cec6
- DATE;CEN = Century-Cluster / DATE;DEC = Decate-Cluster / DATE;Y = Year-Cluster
- DATE;YW = Week-Cluster / DATE;YM = Year/Month-Cluster / DATE;YMD = Year/Month/Day-Cluster
- DATE;YMDH = Year/Month/Day/Hour-Cluster / DATE;YMDHM = Year/Month/Day/Hour/Minute-Cluster / ALL = Every-Time-Cluster
- Example: cec.exe import#Cec6#C:\mycorpus.cec6 cluster XSDate::DATE;YMD Cec6#C:\mycorpus.cec6
- WINDOW = Add WINDOW + SIZE as an prefix for each cluster argument to enable the rolling window feature
- Example: cec.exe import#Cec6#C:\mycorpus.cec6 cluster XSDate::WINDOW7;DATE;YMD Cec6#C:\mycorpus.cec6
- (if you choose M):
Most actions accept arguments. [ARG] is a required argument. {ARG} is an optional argument.
[ACTION] = add-tagger [TAGGER#LANGUAGE] [OUTPUT] - add another tagger to the corpus.
[ACTION] = basic-information - basic information tokens/sentences/documents
[ACTION] = cluster [QUERY] [TASK] {ARGUMENTS} - executes a [TASK] for every cluster (generated by [QUERY])
[ACTION] = cluster-list [QUERY] - works like cluster but returns clusters with document GUIDs.
[ACTION] = convert [OUTPUT] - see help section [OUTPUT] for more information
[ACTION] = cooccurrence [LAYER] {minSIGNI} {minFREQ} - significant cooccurrences for all [LAYER] values
[ACTION] = cooccurrence-corresponding [LAYER1] [LAYER2] [ANY] [WORDS] - significant cooccurrences for all [LAYER1] values with correspondig [LAYER2] [WORDS] - ([ANY] = any matches [bool]).
[ACTION] = cooccurrence-cross [LAYER] [WORDS] - significant cooccurrence cross for [WORDS] on [LAYER].
[ACTION] = cooccurrence-cross-full [LAYER] [WORDS] - significant cooccurrence cross for [WORDS] on [LAYER] (includes all cooccurrences).
[ACTION] = cooccurrence-polarisation [LAYER] [TOKEN_A] [TOKEN_B] - significant cooccurrence polarisation for [LAYER] between [TOKEN_A] and [TOKEN_B].
[ACTION] = cooccurrence-profile [LAYER] [WORD] - significant cooccurrence profile for [WORD] on [LAYER].
[ACTION] = cooccurrence-select [LAYER] [WORDS] - significant cooccurrences for all [LAYER] values.
[ACTION] = cooccurrence-select-corresponding [LAYER1] [WORD1] [LAYER2] [WORDS2] - significant cooccurrences for [WORD1] in [LAYER] values - with [LAYER2] [WORDS2] correspondig values.
[ACTION] = corresponding [LAYER1] [LAYER2] - find all corresponding values betweet LAYER1 & LAYER2 (e. g. 1: Lemma / 2: Wort)
[ACTION] = corresponding-metaphone [LAYER1] [LAYER2] - find all corresponding types betweet LAYER1 & LAYER2 (e. g. 1: Lemma / 2: Wort) based on metaphone
[ACTION] = cross-frequency {LAYER} - calculates the cross-frequency based on [LAYER]
[ACTION] = cross-frequency-corresponding [LAYER1] [LAYER2] [ANY] [WORDS] - calculates the cross-frequency based on [LAYER] and apply corresponding [LAYER2] [WORDS] filter.
[ACTION] = disambiguation [LAYER] [WORD] - allows to disambiguate a [WORD] on [LAYER]
[ACTION] = dispersion [LAYER] [META] - calculates dispersions values of all [LAYER] values based on [META]
[ACTION] = dispersion-corresponding [LAYER1] [META] [LAYER2] [ANY] [WORDS] - calculates dispersions values of all [LAYER1] values based on [META] and annply correspondign filter.
[ACTION] = editdist [LAYER] - caculates the edit distance for all (to all) documents in [LAYER]
[ACTION] = frequency1 {LAYER} - count token frequency on {LAYER} (default: Wort)
[ACTION] = frequency1-raw {LAYER} - count token frequency on [LAYER] (no rel. frequency)
[ACTION] = frequency1-select [LAYER] [WORDS/FILE/SDM] - count token frequency on 1 [LAYER] - [WORDS] = space separated tokens [FILE] = one line one token [SDM] = SDM-File
[ACTION] = frequency2 {LAYER1} {LAYER2} - count token frequency on 2 layers (default: Lemma, Wort)
[ACTION] = frequency2-raw {LAYER1} {LAYER2} - count token frequency on 2 layers (no rel. frequency)
[ACTION] = frequency3 {LAYER1} {LAYER2} {LAYER3} - count token frequency on 3 layers (default: POS, Lemma, Wort)
[ACTION] = frequency3-raw {LAYER1} {LAYER2} {LAYER3} - count token frequency on 3 layers (no rel. frequency)
[ACTION] = get-document [GUID] {LAYER} - get all layer-information for specific [GUID] document. Use {LAYER} to filter output.
[ACTION] = get-document-displaynames - get all document GUID / display-names.
[ACTION] = get-document-metadata [GUID] - get all metadata for specific [GUID] document.
[ACTION] = get-types [LAYER] - list all [LAYER]-values (types)
[ACTION] = hash [LAYER] [ALGO] - calculates a hashsum for all documents in [LAYER]. [ALGO] = MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA512
[ACTION] = hash-roll [LAYER] - calculates a rolling hashsum for all documents in [LAYER].
[ACTION] = how-many-documents - sum of all documents
[ACTION] = how-many-sentences - sum of all sentences
[ACTION] = how-many-tokens - sum of all tokens
[ACTION] = how-many-types [LAYER] - sum of all [LAYER]-values (types)
[ACTION] = idf [META] {LAYER} - inverse document frequency for [META] on {LAYER} (default: WORT)
[ACTION] = keyword [LAYER] [TSV_RefFile] [COL_Token] [COL_RelFreq] - calculates the keynes of any [LAYER]-value by using a reference list [TSV_RefFile].
[ACTION] = keyword-corresponding [LAYER1] [TSV_RefFile] [COL_Token] [COL_RelFreq] [LAYER2] [WORDS2] - calculates keyword (see [ACTION = keyword]) and applies the corresponding filter.
[ACTION] = kwic-any [LAYER] [WORDS+SPAN] - KWIC any occurrence - [WORDS] = space separated tokens
[ACTION] = kwic-document [LAYER] [WORDS+SPAN] - [WORDS] = space separated tokens - a document must contains all token
[ACTION] = kwic-export [LAYER] FILE:[WORDS+SPAN] [OUTPUT] - exports a KWIC of any occurrence - [WORDS] = space separated tokens + SPAN
[ACTION] = kwic-first-any [LAYER] [WORD] [WORDS+SPAN] - KWIC any occurrence - [WORDS] = space separated tokens (KWIC must contains first token + any other)
[ACTION] = kwic-mda [MDA-FILE] {-SPAN} {+SPAN} - KWIC based on MDA-FILE
[ACTION] = ner [NERFILE] - performs a named entity recorgnition + kwic-resuls
[ACTION] = kwic-phrase [LAYER] [WORDS+SPAN] - [WORDS] = space separated tokens - all token in one sentence + given order
[ACTION] = kwic-sentence [LAYER] [WORDS+SPAN] - [WORDS] = space separated tokens - a sentence must contains all token
[ACTION] = kwic-sig [LAYER] [y/n] [WORDS] - KWIC with significance metrics - [WORDS] = space separated tokens - Enable HTML-Highlight [y/n]
[ACTION] = kwit [LAYER1] [LAYER2] [minFREQ] [WORDS] - Builds a KWIT-Tree. Search all [WORDS] in [LAYER1] (with minimum frequency [minFREQ]) - Output in [LAYER2] - [WORDS] = space separated tokens - all token in one sentence + given order
[ACTION] = kwit-n [LAYER1] [LAYER2] [minFREQ] [PRE] [POST] [WORDS] - Like kwit (but you can specificate the range [PRE] and [POST] the match - e.g. [PRE] = 3)
[ACTION] = layer-clone [Original Layer-Name] [New Layer-Name] [OUTPUT] - clone original layer.
[ACTION] = layer-names - all available names for [LAYER]
[ACTION] = layer-new [New Layer-Name] [OUTPUT] - creates a new empty layer.
[ACTION] = remove-layer [LAYER] [OUTPUT] - remove a layer. see help section [OUTPUT] for more information.
[ACTION] = layer-rename [Original Layer-Name] [New Layer-Name] [OUTPUT] - rename layer.
[ACTION] = lda [CONFIG] {TOPIC-EXPORT} - [CONFIG] must be a JSON-Config file. If the file don't exists a new file will be created. Use {TOPIC-EXPORT} to export a additional topic-list.
[ACTION] = meta - lists all meta-categories, labels and token/type/document-count
[ACTION] = meta-by-document - list all documents with meta-data
[ACTION] = meta-by-document-select [META...N] - list selected document meta-data
[ACTION] = meta-categories - all available names for meta categories
[ACTION] = meta-export [FILE] - export document metadata for external cleaning/usage
[ACTION] = meta-import [FILE] [OUTPUT] - export document metadata for external cleaning/usage
[ACTION] = metaphone [LAYER] - convert all types (in layer) into metaphone representations.
[ACTION] = meta-select [category_1..n] - lists all meta-categories, labels and token/type/document-count for [category_1..n]
[ACTION] = meta-select+domain [category_1..n] - lists all meta-categories, labels and token/type/document-count for [category_1..n] (reduces all URLs > domain name only)
[ACTION] = mtld [LAYER] [META] - calculates MTLD for [LAYER] clustered by [META]
[ACTION] = ner [NERFILE] - performs a named entity recorgnition
[ACTION] = ngram [N] {LAYER} {minFREQ} - [N] sized N-gram based on {LAYER} (default: Wort)
[ACTION] = ngram-corresponding [N] [LAYER1] [minFREQ] [LAYER2] [ANY?] [WORDS2] - [N] sized N-gram based on [LAYER1] - apply [LAYER2] corresponding [WORD2] filter.
[ACTION] = ngram-select [N] [LAYER] [minFREQ] [WORDS/FILE] - all [N]-grams on [LAYER] containing [WORDS] or FILE:[FILE].
[ACTION] = ngram-select-sig [N] [LAYER] [WORDS/FILE] - all [N]-grams on [LAYER] containing [WORDS] or FILE:[FILE] rated by [WORD/FILE] co-occurrences.
[ACTION] = ngram-sig [N] [LAYER] - [N] sized N-gram based on [LAYER] rated with co-occurence-levels
[ACTION] = phrase-count [LAYER] [WORDS+SPAN] - [WORDS] = space separated tokens - all token in one sentence + given order
[ACTION] = position-frequency [LAYER1] [WORD] - left/right position of words around [WORD]
[ACTION] = position-frequency-corresponding [LAYER1] [WORD1] [LAYER2] [WORDS2] - left/right position of words around [WORD1] in [LAYER1] + corresponding [LAYER2] [WORDS2] filter.
[ACTION] = query [QUERY] [OUTPUT] - see help section [OUTPUT] for more information
[ACTION] = query-count-documents [QUERY/FILE] - counts how many documents match the [QUERY]
[ACTION] = query-count-sentences [QUERY/FILE] - counts how many sentences match the [QUERY]
[ACTION] = query-count-tokens [QUERY/FILE] - counts how many token-spans match the [QUERY]
[ACTION] = query-list [QUERY] [NAME] - works like query, but returns a [NAME]ed list of document GUIDs.
[ACTION] = reading-ease {LAYER} - reading ease of {LAYER} (default: Wort)
[ACTION] = remove-layer [LAYER] [OUTPUT] - remove a layer. see help section [OUTPUT] for more information.
[ACTION] = remove-meta [META] [OUTPUT] - remove a specific metadata value for every document. see help section [OUTPUT] for more information.
[ACTION] = similarity [META] {LAYER} - [META] similarity based on {LAYER} (default: WORT)
[ACTION] = size - returns the size (sentences/tokens) of all documents
[ACTION] = style-burrowsd [META1] [META2] - compares [META1] with [META2] based on "Burrows Delta"
[ACTION] = style-ngram [LAYER] [META] [N] [minFREQ] - style analytics based on ngram
[ACTION] = tf [META] {LAYER} - term frequency for [META] on {LAYER} (default: WORT)
[ACTION] = tf-idf [META] {LAYER} - term frequency * inverse term frequency for [META] on {LAYER} (default: WORT)
[ACTION] = token-list [LAYER] - list of all tokens in [LAYER]
[ACTION] = token-list-select [LAYER] [REGEX] - list of all tokens in [LAYER] who are matching the [REGEX]-expression
[ACTION] = validate - checks the loaded data against several rules.
[ACTION] = vocabulary-complexity {LAYER} - vocabulary complexity in {LAYER}
[ACTION] = vocd [LAYER] [META] - calculates VOCD for [LAYER] clustered by [META]
Example: cec.exe import#Cec6#C:\mycorpus.cec6 frequency3 POS Lemma Wort
All actionss above can be stored in a file to build up a automatic process. In this case it’s recommended to redirect the [ACTION]-output to a file and not to stdout Example: import#Cec6#C:\mycorpus.cec6 frequency3 POS Lemma Wort > output.csv
If you use [ACTION] or the scripting-mode [FILE: / DEBUG:], you can change the output format. You need to set one of the following tags as first parameter:
F:CSV - comma separated values
F:HTML - HTML5-document
F:TRTD - HTML-Table Skeleton
F:JSON - JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)
F:JSONR - JavaScript Object Notation (rounded values)
F:SQLDATA - SQL (data only)
F:SQLSCHEMA - SQL (schema only)
F:SQL - SQL (schema + data)
F:TSV - tab separated values
F:TSVR - tab separated values (rounded values)
F:XML - XML-document
Example: cec.exe F:JSON import#Cec6#C:\mycorpus.cec6 frequency3 POS Lemma Wort Use FNT: to hide the TID (be carefull with this, if you are using CLUSTER) Normal STDOUT redirections is very slow (like: cec.exe F:CSV import#Cec6#C:\corpus.cec6 frequency1 > C:\out.csv) Use the optimized direct way, by adding the output-path to the [F:FORMAT]-option Example: cec.exe F:CSV#C:\out.tsv import#Cec6#C:\mycorpus.cec6 frequency1